Everything you needed to know about 朗伯德街, 《世界上最弯曲的街道,贝博体彩app最著名的景点之一.
被称为“世界上最弯曲的街道”,” 朗伯德街 is one of 贝博体彩app’s most popular l和marks. Every year, millions of visitors walk or drive down its eight sharp hairpin turns. 包围 俄罗斯山 mansions 和 perfectly manicured l和scaping 和 flowers, it is also one of the city’s most scenic streets. Take a spectacular photo at the bottom looking up or enjoy the breathtaking view from the top looking out onto the 贝博体彩app Bay, 海湾大桥及 屁股塔.
直到20世纪60年代, 30 years after the hairpin turns were added that it started showing up on postcards.
这可能看起来很危险, but 朗伯德街’s switchbacks were built to increase the safety of the street. The natural steep grade was thought to be too dangerous. 在20世纪20年代, a property owner suggested creating a series of switchbacks which not only added to the street's scenic appeal but made it safer for pedestrians.
- Although it is known as the “Crookedest Street in the World,” Lombard St. is not even the “crookedest” street in 贝博体彩app. That title technically belongs to Vermont Street between 20th 和 22nd streets on 沿岸泥沙垅山. 带着你自己的大轮子比赛, 每年复活节举行, that features people racing on big-wheeled plastic bikes started on Lombard St. 在搬到佛蒙特街之前.
- Another fun fact: 朗伯德街 did not become an icon overnight. 直到20世纪60年代, 30 years after the hairpin turns were added that it started showing up on postcards. 为什么? It didn't gain that monumental beauty that makes it such a well-photographed area until they planted the hydrangea bushes, which you'll now find in bloom for nearly the entire year.
- The name Lombard actually has no link to 贝博体彩app history. 它是以费城的一条街道命名的.
- 避开高峰时间. Heavy traffic isn’t the reason we suggest avoiding Lombard St. 上下班时间. 而是因为伦巴第街. is lined with homes that actual San Franciscans live in, 和 many drive to work daily. If you 和 your fellow travelers are posing for selfies at the end of someone’s driveway at the start of the workday, 你太不体贴了. Holidays 和 weekend afternoons are also times to avoid what can quickly become a very crowded block.
- 尊重邻居. 表示尊重不仅仅是让伦巴第圣. 居民们完成他们的日常工作. Walking up to their front doors or st和ing in their flowerbeds to capture the perfect photo is inappropriate. 类似的, 声音太大, 乱扔垃圾, or looking through windows are all behaviors that we strongly discourage. 站在居民的角度想想. Would you want a few strangers using your lawn as their own private park?
- 注意车辆. 看过伦巴第街之后. for themselves, many visitors are eager to try navigating its twists 和 turns behind the wheel. It’s not something we suggest for rookie drivers, which is why we advise pedestrians to be extra cautious. Stay on sidewalks, 和 be mindful as you’re taking in the scenery. Drivers have been known to hop a curb on occasion.
Although it’s a steep walk up 朗伯德街, visiting doesn’t take much time. Once there, you are close to numerous other 贝博体彩app attractions. 北海滩, 唐人街 和 渔人码头 都在步行范围内吗. 朗伯德街 is also located just a few blocks from the 贝博体彩app Art Institute, 它有时会显示事件, 讲座和艺术展.
伦巴第大街著名的弯曲部分. is located between Leavenworth 和 Hyde streets. 有各种各样的方法可以到达那里:
- 总线: 你可以拿几个 城市公交车 through 北海滩, the most popular is the 30, which runs from 联合广场. 在哥伦布大道下车. 伦巴第街附近. From here, you will walk west (uphill) a few blocks to get to Jones St., the bottom of the hill where the curvy part of Lombard St. 开始.
- 缆车: The Hyde Street cable car will drop you off at the top of the curvy part of the street. Also, The Powell-Mason cable car stops at Lombard St. 和哥伦布大道.
- 汽车: Note that the curvy portion of 朗伯德街 only runs one way, towards the east. To drive, you’ll want to come to this street from Van Ness Ave.在伦巴第街向东拐. 经验丰富的司机! 一定要 公园聪明 if you're getting out 和 exploring the neighborhood.